Geben Sie eine URL ein gives a page investigation device. You can utilize this instrument to see the web-based page of your site or the wellspring of a contender's site. This instrument shows the site source code that can be utilized to painstakingly survey the code.
Some of the time he believes he really wants to watch one of his opponents on the web. "Goodness! This is an extraordinary stunt or component ... I ought to put it on my webpage as well." This requires further knowledge into the source code of a site that has never been simpler. Presently you can see the definite code and how precisely it is organized.
Given the above situation, we feel that we want to foster instruments that can keep an eye on code from contenders' sites. So who would you like to spy today?
With this exceptionally down to earth site busybody gave by, you can enter the URL of the site and get the whole HTML source. Analyzing the total source code can be challenging to interpret the total code. Accordingly, it is suggested that you open individual pages and record significant focuses.